Princess Anne Lodge No. 25 was originally known as Kempsville Lodge No. 25, it being granted dispensation on December 12, 1871. The original Kempsville Lodge started with Kempsville No. 12 in 1791 and we have a minute book recording its meetings until 1820.
After receiving dispensation during it’s first year, Kempsville No. 25 took in many outstanding members throughout what was then Princess Anne County. These members became very prominent in Princess Anne Lodge after it’s name was changed.
The first regular communication under it’s charter as Kempsville Lodge No. 25 was held on Thursday evening, December 21, 1871. In the minutes from the first meeting it was noted that the Secretary was instructed to communicate with the Grand Secretary, Bro. John Dove, in regard to the old jewels of Kempsville Lodge No. 12. In the communication with the Grand Secretary, it was stated that the jewels were in possession of Henry Clay Lodge No. 165 and that they would return the jewels to Kempsville Lodge. After the first meeting, Norfolk Lodge No. 1 loaned jewels and furniture to Kempsville No. 25 to get started in their work.
On March 20, 1875, there was a committee appointed to confer with the District Deputy Grand Master and the Board of Supervisors in regard to moving Kempsville Lodge No. 25 to Princess Anne Court House. On July 15, 1875, approval had been granted to the lodge for the move and Brothers E. E. Burroughs and John T. Woodhouse were appointed to make arrangements for moving the lodge to Princess Anne Court House. A committee was appointed to make arrangements to borrow $800.00 for the purpose of building a lodge hall at or near the Court House, on May 24, 1877. Brothers J. M. Keeling, T. J. Fentress, and G. W. Whitehurst were appointed to superintend the building of the lodge the current lodge. The Cornerstone was laid on November 28, 1877 with the dedication of the building not being held until November 7, 1878. After the moving of Kempsville Lodge No. 25 to Princess Anne Court House, the name was changed to Princess Anne No. 25, effective January 1, 1884.
In 1936, the grounds around Princess Anne Court House were being revamped and beautified. It was suggested by the board of Supervisors that, at their expense, the Lodge move to a new location on a County lot. This was accepted in September 1936 and was the Lodge’s most recent move. The Lodge still sits on the property facing Princess Anne Road.
In 1940, the Lodge membership dropped to the low 70’s and did not rise above the 100 mark until 1948. In 1968, the Lodge was requested to move from
Since the beginning of the lodge, a charity fund was collected at every meeting, although the amounts were small. In 1896 Princess Anne Lodge took a life membership in the Masonic Home in Richmond, Virginia. Also, in 1899, the Lodge sent $10.00 to the Grand Lodge to help to defray the expenses of the Grand Lodge in observing the Centennial of the death of Worshipful Brother George Washington.
Princess Anne Lodge took a very active part in the life of Princess Anne County and Virginia Beach, by laying the cornerstones of many public buildings and churches. Among the interesting this is that on October 9, 1904, 31 members and 25 visitors met to lay the cornerstone of the Confederate Monument. The Confederate Monument now stands on the grounds at the Princess Anne Court House.
Interesting Notes:
- During this lodge’s existence, it has been used for many worthwhile projects. During the boom of social organizations in the 1800’s the lodge was rented to other fraternal groups, such as the Pythian’s, Odd Fellows, Knights of Honor, for the sum of $3.00 per month.
- There have been many changes made in the By-Laws of the Lodge and the time of it’s Stated Communication. In the past, Communications were stated as to fall on the day after the full moon, that is unless the full moon happened to fall on a particular day, with the hour named as 2 1/2 o’clock.
- In November 1923, we sent two members of this Lodge to assist in laying the cornerstone of the George Washington Memorial.